beautiful flowers

i’m smitten with the way that amy merrick puts a bouquet or display together… i’ve never been a huge flowers fan until fairly recently. i do find myself ooing and aahing over beautiful displays, although i think that is much more to do with the new breed of florists!

£115… r.e.a.l.l.y?

i love screen prints but sometimes i do think to myself i mean £115 for this. don’t get me wrong, it’s lovely and i do appreciate that it takes a lot of effort to screen print but once the screen in made then they are pretty cheap to just roll out. that brings me to etsy, i have been a huge fan of etsy for a long time now as many people know but i can’t help but think to myself that a lot of vendors on there are ripping people off. 90% of them absolutely aren’t but come on £20 for 2 metres of handmade bunting. i.don’!